Camping L’Aventure has 41 places available. Some are free places that can be reserved for tents, caravans and campers. On the remaining part are our own permanent bungalow tents. These can also be rented, including real beds and a large inventory. You can choose from a 4 by 4 tent (4x4 meters) or an 5 by 5 tent (5x5 meters).
* You cannot reserve a specific place/tent. This allows us to move if necessary. Upon arrival at the campsite, we will indicate the place/tent for you.
Tente 4x4
Tente 5x5
4 by 4 tent (4x4m) specifications:
1 inner tent that can be divided into two spaces
3 single beds
1 pull-out bed
Fridge and stove
Kitchen cupboard with kitchen inventory
Garden table and 4 chairs
1 folding chair
Necessary inventory for a pleasant stay
5 by 5 tent (5x5m) specifications:
2 separate inner tents
2 single beds
1 double tent
Fridge and stove
Kitchen cupboard with kitchen inventory
Garden table and 4 chairs
1 or 2 folding chairs
Necessary inventory for a pleasant stay